Ticket is valid on the day of the first departure. Keep your ticket at all times as replacement will not be possible. Look after your ticket. In case of lost ticket you’re unable to continue your sightseeing. You must show or purchase your ticket when getting on board. Passengers found travelling without a valid ticket will be charged the full Hop on Hop off fare. You will not be permitted to use any City Open Tour service, unless you have a valid ticket for the entire journey you wish to make.
Children (0-6 years old) may travel free. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Students with international student card are entitled to student discount.
The Company endeavors to provide departure points and times for the service which are as accurate as possible. However the Company reserves the right to vary such departure places and times without further notice as circumstances require.
The Company reserves the right to deviate from the route of a service in the event of marches, parades, or where reasonably prudent to do so in the light of circumstances beyond the Company’s control. The Company will not be liable for delays NOT caused by its own staff such as traffic jams, traffic diversions, road closures, parades or any external conditions that justifies the delay. The Company also serves the right to provide English live-guided tour, as circumstances require. Tour will depart at any weather condition.
The Company reserves the right to operate open-top double decker buses, or regular buses from time to time. The Company reserves the right, for safety reasons, to refuse you access to travel on a particular departure. For safety reasons you are required to remain seated on the upper deck while the bus is in motion. As we operate a Open Tour service, seats cannot be guaranteed on either deck. Boarding depends on free capacity.
In the event that the Company is unable to operate a service throughout the periods of the validity of your ticket through circumstances totally within its control, you shall be entitled to a full or part refund of the price of your ticket. Any application for a refund must be made to the Company’s office at H-1061, Budapest, Andrássy út 2. (Tickets must be enclosed).
Please take care of all personal belongings while travelling at all times. The Company will not be liable for any loss, damage, delay, inconvenience, or direct or consequential loss, however caused, unless due to our employees’ negligence, in which case our liability is limited to damages (except for death or personal injury) to a maximum of the refund of the ticket price.
The consumption of alcohol, cigarette, ice-cream (or other liquid product) is prohibited on the bus during the entire journey!
These services are only available on our double decker buses.